Monday, 5 March 2012

Research and Planning: Improvement of Contents Due to Audience Feedback

Before Improvement

After Improvement

After consulting my audience in order to gain feedback on the current contents of my magazine, i decided to slightly improve the page, by splitting the contents up into sections. I asked them a number of questions regarding the contents page such as, 'Do you think there is a sense of continuity throughout my pages so far? Why?', 'Why do you feel the pictures i have used are relevant to the genre?' 'Are there any improvements you could point out for the layout of the page?', when asking the first two questions, they felt that i had done enough to ensure a sense of continuity and they felt the pictures reflected the genre very well. However, they suggested that i broke the contents up into sections, to make the page look more desirable to the audience which enables them to pi-point certain parts of the magazine which they wish to read, and to keep in with the key trend of other magazines in order to make it look more professional. Therefor i took this criticism on board and improved my contents page, here is the finished result. 

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