Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Research and Planning: Contents Page Analysis x2

This is the contents page of one of the leading music magazines in today’s society, ‘Q’. The contents page of this specific issue, sticks to the key house style of ‘Q’ with a very simplistic view, using the branded colours or red and white. It is very minimalistic with key images to illustrate what comes later on in the magazine, to tie in with the captions for each article. Unlike many other magazines, this particular contents page is spread across two pages, with the first page dedicated to the ‘features’ of the magazine, which include the cover stories and other such articles that do not regularly feature in the magazine. The second page, which continues with the common theme and house style, demonstrates the ‘regulars’ of the magazine, which, as stated, is the regular articles which are found in the magazine and where they are situated. The red and white colour scheme gives off a very sophisticated feel to the contents, which is key for its target audience, as the magazine is aimed at predominantly the adult audience, of between 18-28. It also aims its stories at people who are interested in the general music knowledge that the magazine has to offer, rather than the gossip and hype which comes with many other music magazines. The simplistic theme demonstrates this, as there is no ‘pizzaz’ within the colour scheme or layout to take away from what is actually included within the magazine. The contents page also makes it very easy for the reader to locate specific stories which might interest them, as the page numbers are laid out in a bright red box, directly next to each caption, therefore making the magazine easy to read, making it desirable for the reader to re-purchase. The page numbers are also located to the images which are situated on the page, allowing the reader to identify easily if this is part of the magazine that they would take an interest in. The serif font gives off a very sophisticated feel once again, which shows that the magazine focuses what is actually contained, over its image.

The contents page for the well known music magazine ‘NME’ uses the same structured layout which is featured in every issue. With the heading at the top stating ‘inside this week’ along with the date, you are instantly drawn into the page and the information it has to offer. The colour scheme of the page is predominantly black and white, with a range of colourful input here and there to highlight key/important facts on the page. The page numbers are clearly placed by each image and cover line which coheres with it, allowing the reader to easily identify the different stories and where they are situated. The main features of the magazine have been supported by images to intrigue the reader, with the other, less important articles being situated towards the bottom of the page in a coherent list. The predominantly male target audience is made apparent with an advertisement for the Lana Del Rey pullout poster which is located later on in the magazine. The use of serif font also contributes to the target audiences tastes, as the 18-28 age range are more predominantly interested in what is actually contained in the magazine, giving off the simplistic, yet sophisticated feel which they are trying to represent. 

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