After analysing these results i have come to the conclusion that i am going to call my magazine 'Banter' as this is the most popular title among the group with 8 people saying this is what they would prefer it to be called.
2) What contents would you like to see in the magazine?
Using the results from my questionnaire i have decided to mainly base my magazine around 'College news and gossip', 'Fashion' and 'Upcoming event's' and then during each issue i would include extracts from each other area to keep the audience interested in reading my magazine.
3) What price would you be willing to pay for a student magazine?
Due to the results found i have decided that i am going to charge fifty pence for each issue of my magazine, as this is what the majority of people have said they would be willing to pay for the magazine.
4) Would you prefer a more formal or informal language in the magazine?
I have decided to use a mixture of formal and informal language in my magazine depending on the subject which is being written about. As 8 people out of 20 have said this is what they would prefer.
5) What colour scheme would appeal to you on the magazine?
Due to 12 people stating that they would like to see vibrant colours on the magazine this is the colour scheme i have decided to use. I also feel that this might be the most appealing as it will attract readers attention.
6) What image would attract you most to a magazine?
After analysing my results i have decided to include pictures of locations in my magazine along with the majority of images being of college students as this would be most appealing to the audience.
7) Would you prefer more pictures in your magazine rather than large blocks of text?
As clearly stated in the results the audience would prefer a range of pictures and large amounts of text in the magazine. Therefor i will try and include a range of both where possible in the magazine.